Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Highlights on the Ground

I can't wait to finally finish this painting and get it out of the way. Things have been hectic at work and I've been coming home fairly late. I've tried to sneak in a few brushworks here and there but it's hard to "get into it" unless I really sit down for a moment to contemplate on the work at hand.

I'm almost happy with the skin tone, but I will most probably dab in some yellow glaze to warm the person up a bit; except of course the pants which needs to stand out and "pull" in the clouds.

A bit of wispy hair here and there, some minor correction on the shadows in the face, some hair highlights, a bit more foreground grass highlights and... Bob's your uncle!

I might want to touch up that sky a bit but am hesitant to do so lest I end up with an ugly inconsistent large blue space above. I got that blue gradation painting wet on wet and applying a new layer over dry might ruin the whole thing.

I'm more or less happy with the almost finished work. I do acknowledge that some painting problems I have not handled all that well, but I believe each painting I complete inches me closer to that level of competence I could be happy living with.

Now, if only I can figure out how to sell these things.

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