Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's that?

Do you know what this is?
Not my finger!  I was talking about what I was pointing at.  Yup.  A blank canvas.  And I have two for that matter.

I had the frames for these custom-made by Sunga.  Cost me a thousand pesos for the two.  A bit pricey, but I can't really complain given the weight of the wood and the quality of the workmanship.  I use to make my own frames but my skills in carpentry can't overcome my usual problems: warping, usual flimsy construction and the ever annoying trapezoidal shape I end up with.

We're trying to work out a solution to bring down the price of the frame.  Some of the cheaper wood are just not workable as frames.  I told the people at Sunga if they can bring my 3x4s to P300, then we're dandy.

Yes, I do my own stretching, priming, sanding and whatever else that is necessary to come up with a nice consistent bite on the surface.  I think of it as part of the creative process.  Before you can paint anything, you have to create space for your other creations to exist in.

Wonder what's going to be pulled out of the air and plastered on these white surfaces?  Well, do come back every now and then to find out.  One of them is due on May 7!  I may have to use those spray on varnish for that.  Damn!

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